We have qualified buyers
Looking for homes
in homeland & roland park
We have 3 wonderful families seeking homes in the Homeland or Roland Park area in the $700,000–1,600,000 range. All have been financially vetted.
Franklin + Karey
Jon + Elizabeth
Paul + Tomasina
Paul + Tomasina are moving from upstate New York. They’re hoping for milder winters and a charming, older home with “good bones.” 4 bedrooms is a plus and and they are willing to put some work into it to make it their own.
Is your home a good fit?
Call, text, or fill out the form below.
Noah Mumaw 410.409.1791
Ali Berney 717.475.7411
If you’ve been considering selling your home, we would love the opportunity to see if your home is a good match. Rest assured, our buyers are highly qualified and are willing to be flexible regarding settlement date.